Pierre-Joseph de Beauchamp (June 28, 1752 - November 18, 1801) was a French diplomat, clergyman, and astronomer active in the middle east in the late 18th century. Born in Nice, Beauchamp was the son of the lawyer Xavier de Beauchamp. In 1781 he was appointed vicar general to his uncle, Miroudot du Bourg, titular bishop of Baghdad. He and his uncle left France for Aleppo and from thence, Bagdad, arriving later in that year. In the subsequent year, he, along with French consul Jean-François Rousseau and the botanist André Michaux traveled extensively throughout modern day Iran and Syria, taking astronomical readings along the route. He returned to France in 1780. Five years later, on March 3, 1795, he was appointed consul at Muscat, in Oman. In 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte sent him on a peace embassy to the Ottoman Sultan Selim III (1761 - 1808). His ship, unfortunately, was captured by the English Royal Navy. The Royal Navy consigned Beauchamp's keeping to the Ottomans, who now at war with France, imprisoned him at the notorious Yedikule Fortress. Life in prison left Beauchamp physically and mentally broken. He was freed and returned to France during the Peace of Amiens (1801 - 1802), but died shortly thereafter.

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