John Buel (c. 1768 - 1800) was an American printer and publisher active in New York shortly after the American Revolutionary War. Buel was the publisher of various short-lived New York newspapers, including the Evening Mercury (1793) which folded after three issues. He subsequently began to issue the semi-weekly Columbian Gazetteer (1793 – 1794), which hi sold to Levi Wayland in November of 1794. He also issued numerous books and pamphlets. Buel briefly partnered with Knox under the imprint of 'Knox and Buel.' He also worked with Christopher Colles in attempt to publish the Geographical Ledger , an incomplete early American serial atlas. Buel's financial situation seems to have been dire as indicated by the fact that he moved offices frequent: in 1793 he was located 28 Wall-Street, by 1794 he had moved to 24 Little Q[ueen?] Street, and in 1795-1796 his office was at 151-153 Water Street, by 1797 he was at 74 William Street. On February 25, of 1798, he married the Brooklynite Catherine Carpenter.