Martin Reinhold Robert Rudolf Hellgrewe (October 6, 1860 - September 5, 1926) was a German painter and illustrator active in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Hellgrewe was born in Hammerstein, Prussia. He studied at Königstädtische Realschule and later the Andreas Realschule in Berlin, before studying under Eugen Bracht (1842 - 1921) and Christian Wilberg (1839 - 1882) at the Berliner Kunstakademie (Berlin Art Academy). His early work focused on the landscape of Brandenburg, but in 1885-86 he took an extensive trip to East Africa, where he cemented his reputation as a painter of colonial scenes. Many of these were later published and became definitive images of German tropical colonies. Later he taught at the Berlin Kunstgewerbemuseum (Museum of Decorative Arts). Hellgrewe died in 1926 at the Auguste Viktoria Hospital in Berlin-Schöneberg.