Gustavus Kramm (September 1, 1808 - August 15, 1864) was a German born line engraver and lithographer based in Philadelphia in the middle part of the 19th century. Kramm was born in Frankfurt-au-Main. He immigrated to the United States sometime in the 1830s, where he completed contract engraving in both New York and Philadelphia. His is known to have worked for Lehman and Duval, the Library Company of Philadelphia, Robert Pearsall Smith, George Worley, and others. He seems to have been active in Philadelphia exclusively between 1844 and 1854, when he completed his most significant cartographic engraving work from offices he shared with L. N. Rosenthal at the southeast corner of Third and Dock. He lived at 1 Emslie Alley and later at 27 Wharton street. In 1854, he relocated to Cincinnati and later St. Louis. In 1863, during the American Civil War, he enlisted in the 37th Iowa Volunteer Infantry Regiment, known commonly as the 'Greybeard Regiment' for its requirement that all members be over 45 years of age. Due to the advanced age of its constituency, the 37th Iowa saw little action, serving primary in a support capacity. Nonetheless, Kramm is reported to have died of an 'accident' with serving in Memphis, Tennessee.

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