Eduard Kretzschmar (March 21, 1806 – July7, 1858) was a German woodcut engraver and illustrator active in Leierpzig during the first half of the 19th century. Kretzschmar was born of a poor family, but exhibiting a passion for engraving, attracted the attention of bookseller Friedrich Brockhaus, who sponsored his xylography apprenticeship under Berlin engraver Friedrich Unzelmann. Under Unzelmann produced numerous woodcuts of important government, arts, business, and military personages. In 1848 he returned to Liepzig where he took work with Johann Jacob Weber at the Illustrierte Zeitung preparing woodcut portraits and architectural engravings. In 1858, fifty-two years old and in the full flower of his career, he became suddenly ill and after a short time, died.

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