Arthur Joseph Stansbury (1781 – September 27, 1865) was an American Presbyterian minister and newspaperman active I the first half of the 20th century Stansbury was born at 42 broad Street, New York City. He studied at Columbia College, graduating in 1799. Shortly thereafter he seems to have become involved with his brother Abraham Stansbury in a bookselling, bookbinding, and stationary business based at No. 114 Water-street opposite the Old Coffee-house. Three years later in 1803 he married Susan Brown of Boston. Changing careers, he was licensed for the ministry in 1810 and worked as an itinerant preacher in New York and New Jersey. Around 1822, Stansbury again abruptly changed careers becoming a newspaper reporter. He eventually took work with the Washington D.C. National Intelligencer focusing on court debates and congressional activity. He was admired for his copious and detailed transcriptions court events. In addition to his reporting work, Stansbury was a noted artist, lithographer, and poet. He made a well-known portrait of John Quincy Adams on his deathbed which he sold commercially. He also wrote children's books. Little is known of his cartographic activity. He published a map of the northern part of the state of New York with Amos Lay in 1801 under the imprint of Brown and Stansbury (John Brown and A. J. Stansbury's brother Abraham Stansbury).