Henri Havret (November 15, 1848 - September 29, 1902) was a French Jesuit priest, missionary, sinologist, and Latinist active in China in the last quarter of the 19th century. There is some confusion as some of his works are signed 'R. P. Havret', (often written sloppily, appearing nearer to R. J.), this being his honorific, 'Reverendus Pater' (Reverend Father), not part of his name. Havret was born in Wassy, Haute-Marne, France. He joined the Society of Jesus in 1872 and was immediately sent to China, where he underwent his theological studies and was, in 1874, ordained into the priesthood. He was placed in charge of the Xujiahui Library (Zi-Ka-Wei;上海图书馆徐家汇藏书楼), located southwest of Shanghai, and taught philosophy at the local Saint-Ignace College. Later he dedicated himself to proselytizing in the lower Yangtze. In the tradition of Jesuit scholar-priests, he produced several significant studies, including a scientific analysis of the creation and settlement of Chongming, an alluvial island north of Shanghai, and an 1892 study of the Nestorian Xi'an Stlele, discovered in 1625. Havret was made director of the Xujiahui Seminary in 1894, a position he held until 1898. He died four years later, in 1902, in Xujiahui, China.