Lucius Lee Hubbard (August 7, 1849 - August 3, 1933) was an American cartographer, geologist, mineralogist, and professor. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Hubbard graduated from Harvard in 1872 and from Boston Law School in 1875. He also studied at the University of Bonn. Hubbard served as the assistant state geologist of Michigan from 1891 - 1893 and then as state geologist from 1895 - 1899. Hubbard also held the post of instructor in mineralogy at the State Mining School at Houghton. He resigned as state geologist in 1899 to become the general manager of the Champion Copper Company, on Michigan's copper range. Hubbard was appointed a region of the University of Michigan by former Michigan Governor Chase S. Osborn in 1910 and served as a regent until resigning on January 8, 1933, citing ill health. He also held a post on the board of control of the Michigan School of Mining and Technology from 1905 - 1917 and was the author of several books on mineralogy and geology. Hubbard married Frances Johnson Lambard on September 28, 1875 in Augusta, Maine.