Roger Lacourière (November 19, 1892 - August 17, 1967) was a French printmaker and engraver best known for his work with Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso. Lacourière founded Éditions de la Roseraie in 1923 for publishing illustrated books, under the artistic direction of Édouard Chimot (1880 - 1959), and then in 1929 founded the printmaker Atelier Lacourière, which, upon his retirement, was taken over by his master printer Jacques Frélaut and became known as Atelier Lacourière-Frélaut. The firm closed in 2008, but Lacourière and his team have been recognized as among the most important French printmakers of the 20th century. Many of the most prominent French illustrators and engravers of the late 20th century worked there are one time. Lacourière was known for experimenting with the medium of intaglio printing, trying different materials and chemicals to produce new effects.