Johann Christoph Müller (March 15, 1673 - June 21, 1721) was a German cartographer, military engineer, and astronomer. Having been schooled in the humanities, he was then trained in mathematics and drawing by astronomer and engraver G. C. Eimmart. Beginning in 1696, he served as an officer of the Engineer Corps, carrying out astronomical observations in and around Vienna, and conducting surveys. Following the 1699 treaty of Karlowitz he was appointed to collect data for an accurate map of Hungarian territory. This resulted in a map drawn to 24 sheets, the original of which survives in the Cartographic Collection of the National Library in Vienna, with a complete copy in War Archives in Vienna. He would in 1709 produced a large map of Hungary along with Croatia, Slavonia, and Transylvania. Between 1708 and 1712 he surveyed Moravia by county and in 1720 published a four sheet copperplate map of Moravia, and produced a survey of Bohemia; this 25 sheet Mappa geographica Regni Bohemia was published posthumously in 1722.