Johann Jacob Weber (April 3, 1803 - March 1880) was a Swiss book publisher active in Leipzig. Weber was born in Basel apprenticed under bookseller Emanuel Thurneysen. Following his apprenticeship he went on to work with J. J. Pachoud in Genevia, Firmin Didot in Paris, and Breitkopf and Hartel in Leipzing, and Herderian in Freiburg. In 1830 he took work in the Leipzig branch of the Parisian publishing firm of Ange Pere. Four years later, in 1834 he founded his own firm, J. J. Weber, which employed modern printing techniques and was known for sophisticated forward-thinking design work. In 1843 Weber founded the illustrated newspaper Illustrierte Zeitung. The Illustrierte Zeitung was a revolutionary publication for Germany and rekindled a general interest in German printmaking. As a person Weber was said to be of an unpretentious and modest nature who was passionate for his profession. His sons Hermann, John and Felix W. took over the management of the businesses, which continued to be passed down in the family. The firm of J. J. Weber remained active well into the 20th century.

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