Xujiahui Library (1847 - Present), today known as the Shanghai Library Bibliotheca Zi-Ka-Wei (上海图书馆徐家汇藏书楼) was established in 1847. It was initially part of the Jesuit mission complex in the Xujiahui village (徐家汇), situated on the outskirts of Shanghai. Following the Jesuit mission of scholarship, it evolved into an academic center embracing both Chinese and Western academic heritages. It was also an important publishing house, issuing maps, religious works, scholarly studies, and more. By the end of the 19th century, it housed over 200,000 volumes. The library is known for its comprehensive collection of Chinese gazetteers, newspapers, reference materials, and mission-related publications. The establishment of the People's Republic of China marked the end of the Jesuit mission in Xujiahui. Nonetheless, the library perseveres, having been nationalized and, from 1957, integrated into the Shanghai Library System.