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1700 Wells Map of the British Possessions in North America
BritishColonies-wells-1700Near New York, Perth is renamed Perth-Amboy. Kent (Island) is identified in Chesapeake Bay and the towns of Somerset, Guilford, Scarborough, Norfolk and nearby the Elizabeth R. are inserted. The Carolina inset now includes the town of London and the new colony of GEORGIA and its capital Savanna. The top right inset has added the GULPH of ST. LAURENCE and a nearby French Factory, Canso and Halifax(sic) are added and Port Royal renamed Annapolis Royal reflecting its English control. Port Royal, Jamaica, previously engraved rather tightly spaced on land is re-engraved offshore, and Cavendish F. and Harrington Sound are added to Bermuda.The appearance of 'Hallifax' on this third state does put Burden's dating in question, as that settlement was not founded and named until 1749. Institutional cataloging for the late editions of Wells' New Sett of Maps is inconsistent; we do see some dated as late as c. 1750. It is possible that the political backers for the Halifax colony had spread the idea around sufficiently for it to take hold in England prior to the colony's actual founding, but lacking concrete evidence, Occam's razor suggests a later date for the map as being more likely.
Edward Wells (1667 - 1727) was an English mathematician, geographer, and classical scholar based at Christ Church College, Oxford. Wells trained for the ministry but quickly found himself unsuited to religious life and instead applied for an academic position at Oxford, where he authored numerous well respected works on a wide range of mathematical and scientific topics. He tutored Prince William, the sickly son of Queen Anne, who was likely about 11 at the time this map was prepared. Wells dedicated nearly all of the maps in his atlas, A New Sett of Maps both of Ancient and Present Geography, to the young prince - quite possibly posthumously, as William died in July of 1700 shortly prior to the publication of the atlas. Nonetheless, Wells' geography proved popular and was published in number editions well into the 1730s. More by this mapmaker...
Sutton Nicholls (1668 - 1729) was an English draughtsman and engraver living in London in the end of ther 17th and the early 18th century. He is best known for having produced a large number of views of places and buildings in London for John Bowles' 1725 Prospects of the Most Considerable Buildings about London’ (1725), Nicholls was also published in Stow's ‘Survey.’ Nicholls drew and engraved some large general birdseye views of London, and a number of portraits. He engraved maps as well, his work appearing for example in Wells' geographical atlas. Learn More...
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