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1942 Secretaria de Agricultura Map of Estado de Mexico (Mexico State)

México. - Main View

1942 Secretaria de Agricultura Map of Estado de Mexico (Mexico State)


Labels Mexico City.


  1942 (undated)     16 x 18 in (40.64 x 45.72 cm)     1 : 600000


This is a 1942 Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento map of the Estado de México, or Mexico State. The map depicts the region from Querétaro and Hidalgo to Guerrero and Morelos and from the Michoacán to Tlaxcala and Puebla. Slightly to the right of center is Mexico City, labeled here as the Distrito Federal. The State's unique shape comes from its colonial history, and the fact that, following independence, most of the states around it were granted at least some land from the original Aztec lands on which the State is based. Also, once Mexico City was chosen as the national capital, it was removed from the state, creating the panhandle depicted here. Myriad locations throughout the Estado de México are labeled, from larger cities to small villages. The road network is illustrated, along with the railroads. Rivers and topography are also noted.

This map was produced by the Oficina de Cartografíia y Cálculo, which is part of the Departamento Geográfico, the Dirección de Geografía, Meteorología e Hidrología, which are all overseen by the Secretaría de Agricultura y Fomento.


Very good. Right margin remargined. Blank on verso.