Lucy Durfee (Borden) (January 18, 1821 - July 26, 1890) was a Rhode Islander; she was born, lived, and died in Tiverton near Newport. Her father, The Hon. Job Durfee, LL.D. (1790 - 1847), was a lawyer, state legislator, a federalist congressman, a poet, and author. Lucy, the eldest of seven siblings - at least one of whom was an author as well - would have been brought up in a literate and studious household. While she appears to have published nothing, in her youth she would have been educated in the early American vein, intended to make her better able to raise a generation of literate, politically intelligent young Americans. As evidence of this, there are no fewer than four 'schoolgirl' maps in her hand that have survived. In 1846 she married Thomas Hicks Borden, with whom she raised at least eight children, to whom it is to be hoped that she passed along her studiousness and curiosity.

Out of Stock Maps