Most recently added antique and rare maps as of 3/7/2025.
1974 Charysyn / Vignelli Station Map of New York City Commuter Rail System
Charysyn's own copy of her mammoth and innovative in-station NY Transit Map.

1761 London Magazine View of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (after George Heap)
One of the Earliest Acquirable Views of Philadelphia.

1659 Nicolas Picart and Jodocus Hondius Carte á Figures of Asia
French-Printed Carte á Figures.

1913 Pirogovsky Map of Tashkent, Uzbekistan (printed in Tashkent)
Modernizing Public Transit in Tashkent.

1692 Coronelli Map of Japan and Korea
From Jesuit Reports of the Far East.

1842 Norie Blueback Nautical Map / Chart of the English Channel
Stunningly dense classic blueback.

1856 Longuet City Plan or Map of Paris, France
Beginning of the Haussmann Renovations.

1683 Cantelli da Vignola Map of Southeast Asia, the Spice Islands and Australia
Strikingly decorative map of the East Indies, Philippines, and Australia.

1918 Vincent Pepe Real Estate Broadside Map of Greenwich Village - Gentrification
Vincent Pepe's Gentrification of Greenwich Village.

1882 Daly Map of the Malay Peninsula (Malaysia, Singapore)
Expanding British influence in Malaya; early mention of Kuala Lumpur.

1675 De Wit Map of the Guinea Coast of Africa
Graphic illustration of the Slave Trade.

1735 Homann Heirs Map of Corsica During its Revolution
Quelling the Corsica's rebellion.

1875 Meiji 8 Japanese Map of the East Indies and Southeast Asia
Little known early Japanese voyage to Southeast Asia.

1675 De Wit Map of Southwestern Africa and the Cape of Good Hope
Masterfully Engraved Nautical Chart.

1696 Coronelli Globe Gore: Gulf of Hormuz, Indian Ocean, India, and the Maldives
Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean from the finest 17th Century Globemaker.