Most recently added antique and rare maps as of 2/18/2025.
1911 Folding Map of Istanbul and the Bosporus Straits
Ottoman map of Istanbul's defenses on the eve of World War I.

1861 Admiralty Civil War 'Blockade Runner' Map of the Savannah River, Georgia
Civil War blockade-runners map of the Savannah River.

1931 Observatoire Central de l'Indochine Map of the China Sea to Track Typhoons
Novel adaptation of the optical telegraph to communicate typhoon data in the South China Sea.

1947 Arnold Humorous Pictorial Map of California and the United States
One of the greatest and rarest California pictorial maps.

1891 Overend Print of a Football / Soccer Match - The Association Game
One of the earliest images of British Association football (err... soccer).

1873 Meiji 6 Gaiko Oya Map of the Eastern Hemisphere
The first generation of Meiji Maps drawn from Western sources.

1623 Mercator / Hondius Map of the British Isles
Mercator's British Isles in original color.

1892 Ozaki Bi-Lingual Map of Yokohama, Japan w/flags
Yokohama when it was Japan's most cosmopolitan and industrialized city.

1540 / 1556 Münster Map of Poland and Hungary
Earliest obtainable modern map of Poland and Hungary.

1969 Nanhua Publishing Bilingual Pictorial Map of Taiwan
A Fabulous Pictorial Map of Formosa.

1796 Barrow Map of the Grand Canal, China, during the Macartney Mission
A Maladroit Meeting between Britain and China.

1951 Liozu Pictorial Map of Ile-de-France, with Paris
Rare Pictorial Map of Paris and Environs.

1835 Williams Map of Artificial Harbor for Proposed Canal around Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls! Depicts both sets of double locks in detail along with a profile diagram of a lock.

1880 Eckhoff Official Map of the Territory of Arizona
'Largest scale map of the territory...' - Streeter

1929 American Geographical Society Wall Map of Antarctica
First flight over Antarctica.

1902 F. W. Falls Chromolithograph View of Long Island, New York
Dramatic view of Long Island.

1849 Smith Wall Map of the Pennsylvania Anthracite Coal Fields
Pennsylvania Anthracite Boom - driving the Industrial Revolution.